Are you ready to create your best life & business ever? 

The 2013 Roadmap to Success 9-Month Program

Steer your business & life in the direction of your dreams
and SELF-SABOTAGING BELIEFS holding you back!


Dear Business Owner, Executive, or Entrepreneur:

Do you remember the last time you got a new car? I’m sure it came with an owner’s manual and you spent some time reviewing it so you could understand its operation. Same with the last computer you got, or the latest phone or even the latest vacuum cleaner. Everything complicated seems to come with an owner’s manual.

But what’s the most complicated thing we all receive that doesn’t come with any kind of owner’s manual? You guessed it, a life and how to apply that to business! When you arrived, or any time thereafter, did anyone give you a manual explaining how life works? I’m sure not.

It's like we are driving our car down the road with our hands on the rear view mirror! Is it any wonder we keep hitting the wall? If you’re reading this, the great likelihood is that you would like to have something, perhaps many things, be different from the way it is but you really don’t know how to make that happen.

Here’s the good news. There is an owner’s manual for your life and business ...

... and it’s really not all that complicated. There are only a handful of principles that if you understand and implement you can indeed steer your life and business in the direction of your dreams and eliminate permanently the frustration that comes with not having that happen.

Do you want a better job or a job at all?
What about a relationship? More money?
Greater peace of mind? Happiness & joy? 
Improved health and overall well being?
More customers? More sales? More profit?
Improved teamwork? More overall success?

You can have all of these things! The first step is to just understand the principles. The next step is to implement them... The real challenge is implementing the principles correctly. That is why I created:

The 2013 Roadmap to Success 9-Month Program


9-Month Discount Bundle - 1 Payment of $423 $347

3-Month Discount Bundle - 3 Payments of $141 $127 

Monthly Package - Only $47 Per Month

Dear Scott, I'm finding it difficult to express my deep sense of gratitude to you for all your work with us ... Since the conclusion of the program, I have heard nothing but excitement & thanks from those who participated and it continues today! Thank-you for your straight talk, and words of advice & encouragement to me. It can be said that you are a winning coach of a winning team. It's comforting to me that the organization has a coach with a winning tradition that will be with us as we grow into the future. Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you!!!




Scott ,

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I have participated in so many seminars about leadership and listening (including The Seven Habits). None have touched me the way yours did.

My husband and I were discussing divorce that morning and I was in a horrible state of mind entering that room. I came out of one of your coaching sessions enthused and inspired and ready to view my life (and my husband) in an entirely different way.

I put your CD on Relationships in and started listening to it in the car and couldn't wait to get into the car the next morning to finish it. My husband was so inspired by my reaction that I didn't have to ask him to read your book or listen to your CD's. He wants to! I shared your program with two employees. My business partner told me that she has never seen anyone so excited about a program as the three of us were. One of my staff posted signs all over the office that read: Another Day in Paradise. Thanks again!


If you want to have 2013 be your best year ever and the year you begin to have the things you truly want, I invite you to give yourself the gift of being part of this 9-month online coaching program. This program includes monthly coaching calls and unlimited access to personal coaching via e-mail directly with me, your personal success coach! You can participate from the comfort of your home or office, from any place in the world. If you miss a call, it will be recorded for you to listen to at your convenience.

In this program you will learn:

  • Create a personal owners manual for you to use for 2013 and years to come,
  • How to tap into your personal power to get what you want,
  • The right mindset for success,
  • The biggest mistakes to avoid so you stay on track and avoid the blocks that can derail you,
  • Action steps and how to's to make 2013 your best year ever!

Join Now & Get Your:

2013 Roadmap to Success 9-Month Program

9-Month Discount Bundle - 1 Payment of $347

3-Month Discount Bundle - 3 Payments of $127 

Monthly Package - Only $47 Per Month

Dear Scott,

Your latest newsletter listed the point "Who Do You Need To Thank?". Of course, there are a lot that come to my mind. However, since the moment is at hand, I have your e-mail address, and you made the suggestion, I wanted to send you a note to thank you.

I'm a face in the crowd of every presentation you give at SEMA seminars but I pay rapt attention. I appreciate very much the outlook toward life that you encourage others to cultivate and it has helped me personally in my ability to understand others, understand myself, exercise patience and just in general see other people as our Creator sees them.

I wanted you to know that I think you're a very special person who has ignited at least one light in someone's life (mine), and I'll always appreciate it. In fact, every time I find myself consciously putting into practice what I've learned from you, I see your face and I say a little prayer of thanks that you brought such a good influence into my life.

Now, if everybody in the world applied what you say, can you imagine what the world would be like? Thank you for putting out the effort you do, to help make the world just a little bit better for others. I hope that at the same time it has made it much better for you, too.

Warmest regards,
