
What if it's all perfect?

What if everything is perfect? What if everything that happens, everything that has happened, and everything that will happen is exactly what had to happen, is happening and needs to happen for your benefit?

Now I’m not asking you to take this on as “the truth,” even though it might be. I’m asking you to take this on for your benefit, as something that will empower you as you move forward in your position as a leader in your organization and in your life. Because to not take this on, what you don’t realize is that you turn yourself into a victim. And I must say that being a victim is a very popular game. Don’t take responsibility; it’s always something or someone else doing it to you. It’s never your fault. You’re just this helpless weather vane in the wind of life. Sound familiar?

Here’s why it’s empowering to act as if everything is perfect: because then you will learn and grow from the experiences of life and constantly become more of who you could be. And, I assert, becoming more of who you could be is exactly what you want to use this life for.

How does this work? First you have to start from the proposition that life and business is not about winning or losing. Rather, it’s about winning or having learning experiences. So you look at everything either as a win, in which case you celebrate the win and learn how to continue winning, or as a learning experience, not a win, in which case you also learn how to do a better job next time so that you increase the likelihood of winning. Either way, you win.

Here’s a common example: you have a conversation with someone and it doesn’t go very well, maybe it actually turns into an argument, maybe you leave with your feelings hurt, whatever. From the perspective of a victim, you blame the other, they blame you, you dig deeper into your position and you plan your next attack.

But if you look from the perspective of perfection, you look to see what went wrong in the conversation, how come it turned into an argument, what you did to contribute to that, what you could do in the future so that things like that don’t happen again, and you even look to see that maybe you need to apologize to the other and get the conversation cleaned up.

Trust me on this one and give it a try. You will discover a power within yourself that you didn’t know was there if you look at everything as perfect and take responsibility for it all.


Head vs. Heart

Well 2011 is here. I don’t know about you but our year has started with a flurry of activity. For me personally, I have more engagements already on the books at this time of the year than any time in recent memory. And I truly believe I know the reason why.

For those of you who are familiar with our work and have been reading these posts for awhile, you know that it is our assertion that in every situation, you always only have two choices: listen to the voice of your higher consciousness or listen to the voice of your ego. Those are your only two choices. Life is really pretty simple, just not very easy.

When you listen to the voice of your higher consciousness, you’re happy, you see things clearly, you tend to make good decisions and things generally go well. When you listen to the voice of your ego, you’re not happy, mostly you’re afraid, you don’t see things clearly, often you’re confused, you don’t make good decisions and things don’t generally go well at all.

Here’s what I personally learned last year. Your ego lives in your head whereas your higher consciousness lives in your heart. So if you want to master this game we’re all playing, get out of your head and into your heart. That’s what I’ve been practicing every minute of every day since the beginning of the last quarter of last year and it’s working fabulously. I’m almost always happy, actually thrilled, life is showing up as an exciting adventure, I’ve attracted into my life lots of business opportunities as well as the woman of my dreams that I have been waiting for most of my life.

If you’ve completed last year, set your intentions for 2011 and now want to have an amazing year, for both you and your company, here’s your assignment: get out of your head and into your heart. That’s where you’ll find everything you want. If you don’t know how to do that and want some coaching, give us a call.